Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November SHARE

In the U.S., Thanksgiving is a holiday families often share together. It’s a reminder to be grateful for what we have and to share our time and blessings with the people close to us. This year I am thankful that I was able to share this tradition with my Sendai family. This year’s feast featured Pad Thai, meatloaf, 2 types of gratin, Caesar salad, hijiki, Japanese style meat and potatoes, tofu niimono, and completed by fruit custard tarts. The menu included many different flavors from various countries and each person shared one thing that they are grateful for. And, just like at the end of American Thanksgiving celebrations, we had eaten so much we could hardly move and there were still leftovers to take home. This was truly a celebration of our many blessings including a plentiful meal and the company in which to share it.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

November Emmaus Newsletter (エマオ通信)

Every year around the Advent season I am always overwhelmed by the concept of peace. When I try to envision in my mind what peace is I feel discouraged by all the obstacles we would need to overcome in order to achieve it. Since this year was also an election year in the U.S. and I’ve been living in Japan, the idea of world peace has been on my mind a lot because the results of this historic election impacts the entire world.

On Election Day, I had been asked to share some of my experiences from the Student Center’s spring Study Tour to Okinawa with the Tohoku Kyouku Okinawa Committee. In March, while visiting Henoko looking over into Camp Schwabb, the US Marine base there, we were told that these soldiers were most likely on their way to Iraq. Because of Okinawa’s strategic location in Asia and the fact that Japanese government has continued to support U.S. military bases financially since WWII, Okinawa provides the ideal base for soldiers before their deployment to Iraq and the Middle East.

The Ryukyu Islands have a rich and beautiful culture and I was fortunate to be able to visit them this spring. I’ve also been blessed to be able to meet community leaders in Okinawa that are working to heal from the destruction caused by WWII and continues today from the presence of U.S. military.

This spring I realized that few Japanese and even fewer Americans have seen the impacts of the war in Iraq on countries like Japan that have no direct military interest in the Middle East. If we all were a little more educated on how war affects not just our enemies but our allies as well we might see the urgency in finding a more peaceful solution.

So, as Advent is approaching and I try to envision a world full of hope, peace, joy, and love, I’m starting to feel less overwhelmed and a little more hopeful because there are other people in this world who are thinking about how achieve peace too.





Saturday, November 1, 2008

November Sycamore Tree

Dear Sycamore Family,

Life in Sendai is starting to settle down a little bit now that I’ve had time to calm down from my visit home. I had so much fun catching up with friends, meeting new people, and visiting all of my favorite hang out spots. Since returning to Japan, I’ve been unpacking all the new culture shock I experienced going back to the bay area. I thought back to when I first arrived in Sendai and all of the expectations I had and how they changed the longer I spent here.

Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions I had was that Japanese culture and thinking was very homogeneous. I had always thought that Japan lacked cultural diversity because it hasn’t experienced as much immigration or colonization as the US. However, from travels to places like Kyoto, Okinawa, and the Sendai area I found I couldn’t have been more wrong. One government official in Japan has recently received a lot of criticism for stating publicly that Japan is a monoculture, angering several groups including representatives of Ainu communities in Hokkaido and Ryukyu in Okinawa. Only recently has the Japanese government recognized the existence of these indigenous peoples and their struggle for recognition has been a very long, hard process. So, for a high-level government official to say this in a public statement means they still have a long way to go in terms of raising awareness.

This is only one example of culture shock that ranged from the cleanliness of public transportation to sleeping on a spring mattress instead of a Japanese futon. I’m sure many more experiences will continue to surprise me and some realizations may take years. But, the experience has been an incredible one and I hope that I can make you all proud.

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in the Sycamore family who is in the hospital, feeling ill, or recovering from the loss of a loved one. The longer I’m away from home the more I realize how much I miss it and my mind often wanders back to all of you.

With Love,
Global Missions Intern and
Assistant Director
Sendai Student/Youth Center in Sendai, Japan