Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October SHARE

Last month, I made a short visit to California to visit friends and family back home. I think that when visiting home after a long absence, no amount of time will ever feel long enough. What amazed me about this visit was how comfortable it felt. Most of my time was spent sitting around kitchen tables and on living room couches catching up with old friends. It was nice to be able to talk in person again instead of through letters, e-mails, and chat windows.
One of my main purposes for going home this September was to help with the Sycamore Church Bazaar. After WWII there was a lot of resentment towards Japanese and Japanese-Americans in the U.S. In that time churches and temples became important community centers in the Japanese-American community and bazaars became an annual tradition as a way to bring members from different churches and different faiths together.
This year, as usual, the women of the Japanese congregation’s Fujinkai rolled maki-zushi, shaped triangular onigiri, and packaged small cups of tsukemono. The youth helped set up tables and hang signs before they worked their shifts in the game corner. This year I worked with my parents selling cold drinks after passing on my usual task of clearing tables and serving hot tea to another young person in our English congregation.
What makes Sycamore’s Bazaar special to me is that so many people return on that one day even after they’ve moved away or are no longer able to come to church every Sunday. So this is just one of the traditions that Sycamore celebrates as a family and it made me happy to be able to participate again this year. – SKLT

婦人会の人はいつものように巻きずし、三角おにぎり、漬け物を用意しました。若い人はそれぞれのブースに行く前にテーブルを出したり、看板を出したりして手伝いました。今年、私は自分のいつもの役割を後輩に伝授した後、飲み物を売って回るお手伝いをしました。私にとってシカモア教会のバザーが大切な理由があります。それはあの日にいろんな人が戻って来るからです。遠くに引っ越した人も、最近日曜日に礼拝に来ていない人も、この日には戻って来て一つの大きな家族になるのです。私もそういう意味では今年のバザーに参加できたことが本当に嬉しかったです。 サンディー

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October Sycamore Tree

Dear Sycamore Family,

I was so happy I was able to come ho me for the Bazaar this year. It meant a lot to me to be able to share in this annual tradition with family and friends. Like bazaars in the past there were a lot of familiar faces but this year there were also a lot of new ones. Seeing those faces and introducing new friends was a wonderful reminder of the strength in the Sycamore community and the family I represent in Japan.

Thank you all so much!

Global Missions Intern and
Assistant Director of the Sendai Student/Youth Center in Sendai, Japan