Monday, December 7, 2009

December Sycamore Tree

Recently, I walked down to a dam near my house. I was told that there was salmon swimming upstream trying to cross the dam. So, me and a couple of my neighbors got together and woke up early before work to walk to the river. We must have sat there for over 30 minutes watching the fish as they writhed and jumped out of the water. Some of the salmon fell in their attempts but they continued to struggle against the current.

Later that week, I went back to the river by myself. There was a large group of young men in rubber suits and another older man explaining how on both sides of the river there were more gradual gradations that were constructed so that the fish could go around water that was falling quickly down the dam. I walked a little bit farther down to where the JR and shinkansen tracks cross the river and found there were fish in this part of the river as well, swimming up to where other fish were trying to cross the dam. Eventually, I began to get hungry and, inspired by images of fish in their own daily efforts to survive, I decided to go home and eat something vegetarian for breakfast.

I’ve seen similar images on television of salmon being stalked and eaten by grizzly bears in the rivers of Alaska but this was the first time I had ever seen this kind of event in nature so close to where I live. I started to think about all of the other miraculous things that are probably happening around us if we only get up early in the morning and go looking for them.

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