Friday, May 8, 2009


Safe Place to Express Yourself

While we were visiting the Bethel House during this spring’s Hokkaido study tour, we met people who had psychological challenges like schizophrenia, addiction, and some who were recovering from agoraphobia. We also met social workers, doctors, and staff who worked alongside them managing the various Bethel projects like konbu sales and creating books and DVDs to teach others about Bethel. Because everyone works together in the same space there is a very friendly atmosphere and members are encouraged to express themselves freely. One of the social workers, Etsuko Mukaiyachi, helped us to understand how the ‘Bethel Way’ differs from contemporary medicine in that they try to avoid medication but to help members cure themselves through learning how to express their feelings and emotions in healthy ways.

I was reminded about a period in my life right after I graduated from college. I didn’t have much success finding work and it seemed like everyone else around me seemed happier and more successful than me. At the time, I lived with a friend who had graduated from university the same year as me. We had lived together for almost 3 years and could talk about all the stresses of each day. I also had one teacher in school that I respected very much and always made time for me when I came to his office. Because I had this support network of friends who helped me verbalize the anxieties I had about my future I was able to realize that there was nothing wrong with me and that I had talents too. When I did finally receive my first job offer, the thing that made me the most happy was telling those same friends.

Something that was unique about Bethel is that members and staff work together as equals and it was often difficult to tell who was recovering from mental illness. We all have anxieties and a low degree of mental illness in away. But, maybe we can also learn to help ourselves by seeking out a community we can trust to talk about and express all the joys and difficulties in our lives. Through simply expressing them aloud to others, we learn to appreciate both our talents and faults and grow from them.






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