Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Emmaus Newsletter (エマオ通信)

What are these centers?
As I’ve been working at the Emmaus Center for the last year, I find that describing what I do each day at the Sendai Student Center is often very difficult. Most young people who come from the U.S. to work in Japan are English teachers and so my friends and family often assume that I am teaching English. Also, I’ve sometimes felt isolated from the larger community of missionaries working here in Japan because the bulk of them are pastors and teachers. So, how to explain what it is that I do here in Sendai…

This center is a very unique place that doesn’t have very many analogs elsewhere. When explaining to people from the U.S. I’ve sometimes compared the student center to the YMCA or YWCA in the way that we teach various classes in the evenings which are open to the community. I’ve also heard students describe the center as a college circle where there are students from all different colleges participating in activities together. The center has resources from different college, universities, church groups and NPOs, so it is also like a resource center where people from all these different groups can get information about all these activities in Sendai.

On the recent spring study tour to Hokkaido our group had the chance to stay at the Douhoku Center in Nayoro. The Douhoku Center was founded by missionaries from Canada to serve rural farmers in northern Hokkaido. Talking to the staff of the Douhoku Centre, Robert Witmer and Kuriko Fujiyoshi, was a great chance for me to talk to other center staff about what it is that we do. Witmer-sensei described these centers as amphibious, a place that exists in between the church and the wider community. In our daily lives we live, work, and play in a wider world filled with concerns about how we will raise our children or nourish our bodies. The church is an important place where we can nourish our spirits but often it doesn’t have the resources to serve rural farmers and young people in their daily lives where people most need the Spirit in their lives. It’s hard to explain what it is that we do at each of these centers in a practical day-to-day sense but our work is simply another side of teaching everyday in schools and preaching in churches on Sunday mornings. Although the Douhoku Centre and the Sendai Center’s activities are completely different, they share in common this amphibious nature. We live in between these two worlds and bridge the gap between them.






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